For Schools, Colleges, FE & HE Colleges & Universities
Admissions, Marketing & Communications, PR, Crisis Comms
Advancement, Development, Fundraising, Alumni Relations
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The What, Why, How...
The AI experts and practitioners you need to hear from...
and speak to.... in one place... at one time...
12 Expert Keynotes + 20+ Breakouts & Case Studies
The next 'Know Your Audience' Conference ('KYA AI') will be on Artificial Intelligence... the What, Why, How... for School, College & University Admissions, Marketing, Communications, Public Relations, Crisis Comms, Advancement, Development, Fundraising and Alumni Relations.
KYA AI will be relevant to delegates from all types of school and college, trusts and groups, including...
...Independent Schools, International Schools, FE & HE Colleges, Universities, Academies & MATs, Sixth Form Colleges, University Colleges, Grammar Schools, Free Schools, Special Schools, Revision Colleges, Online Schools, Language Colleges, Specialist Colleges, Camps, Tutoring Colleges etc...
The Conference will take place over two days - from 0930-1700 on Monday 9 June (with optional Drinks & Dinner later) and 0930-1700 on Tuesday 10 June 2025 - at the DoubleTree By Hilton Brighton Metropole in Brighton, Sussex UK.
2-Day and 1-Day delegate tickets are available - to book please see our Book Here page.
If there's one conference everyone should attend... it's this one... the KYA AI Conference is timely and important for all staff involved in attracting, engaging and enroling prospective parents and pupils/students.
KYA AI will also be very relevant and useful to all colleagues responsible for leadership, strategy and planning, communications, external affairs, public relations, advancement, alumni relations, development and related fields, including:
...Principals, Headteachers, CEOs, Admissions Staff & Registrars, Marketing, Communications & External Relations Staff, Advancement, Development, Fundraising & Alumni Relations Staff, Deputy Heads & Senior Management Team, Bursars and Business Managers, Heads of Departments, Governors & Trustees...
The Conference programme is now live... click here to discover who will be speaking when... and everything you are going to learn by attending this unique event.
What does the programme include?
KYA AI has assembled leading experts and practitioners in one place ready to share their expertise and experience (so far!) in key aspects of Artificial Intelligence you and your colleagues should be aware of and knowledgeable about, including advice and best practice on how you can use AI effectively...
...AI Explained, How to Prompt Generative AI, AI For Teaching & Learning - What It Means To School, College & University Marketing & Admissions, AI for Admissions Software & CRM, AI Social Media, AI Deepfakes and Image & Video Manipulation, AI for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Website Ranking on Google & Edge, AI Ethics, Risks of AI, What AI Means For Privacy & Data Protection In Your Institution, GDPR & Legislation for AI, Using AI For Copy Writing, AI for Admissions Software & CRM, Campaign Strategy & Planning With AI, PR & Crisis Comms With AI, Chat AI & Translation, Personalisation with AI, Analytics & Reporting with AI...
(And we're still adding even more Breakout sessions on both days!)
WHO WILL BE SPEAKING AND WHAT'S THE PROGRAMME? Click the links for information on our expert Keynote & Breakout Speakers and the AI Conference Programme (with even more Breakout sessions to be added!).
PLUS... in the build-up to KYA AI all booked delegates will have the exclusive opportunity to attend online - at no extra cost - pre-Conference Online Webinars providing an 'Introduction to AI' and covering other marketing and admissions topics with special guest speakers.
PLUS... an optional Evening Drinks & Dinner Social on Monday 9 June.
PLUS... for those arriving before the Conference there will be an informal meet-up in Brighton on Sunday evening 8 June (drinks/food excluded) - a chance to meet other delegates and some of the speakers too... we may even have a small walking tour of Brighton for those who fancy it!
We have planned this KYA AI Conference:
> to help you better understand AI
> to explain the many positive ways you might use Artificial Intelligence directly across all your Admissions, Marketing and Communications, PR & Crisis Comms etc
> to share insights, advice and best practice to enable you to select AI tools and use them effectively
> to explore the likely impact of Artificial Intelligence on teaching and learning ...and what schools and colleges will be in the future
> to consider the potential risks of AI and what to prepare for... including privacy and data protection, GDPR and other legislation, and malicious use ('deepfakes' etc)... that will inevitably impact your school community and your school's reputation sooner than any of us would like
> to understand some of the ethical issues AI raises for you and your colleagues
> to provide an in-person networking forum for discussing AI in-depth with colleagues from schools and colleges, experts and suppliers
> to identify what you most need to be concerned about and preparing for... as AI impacts... everything!
READY TO BOOK? For delegate ticket information, costs and to book please see our Book Here page.
KYA AI will be the 4th Know Your Audience conference, building on the success of previous conferences attended by 100s of delegates from around the UK, Europe and worldwide - with delegates attending from as near as a few miles down the road and as far as Australia, Brazil and Japan.
Other KYA conferences have taken place at ACS Egham International School in July this year (focusing on 'Open Events' and 'Social Influence'), at St Edward's School, Oxford in October 2023 and at Dulwich College, London in February 2020.
'Know Your Audience' (KYA) was created to provide a forum for sharing insights, research, experience and expertise on key areas of marketing, communications and admissions in schools and colleges.
>> Why You & Your Colleagues Should Attend - AI Will Change Everything
>> Previous Delegate Comments (July 2024)
>> Delegate Information
>> Who Should Attend?
"Very professional, well organised, some great speakers." KYA Delegate, July 2024
Keynote & Breakout Speakers Will Include:
KYA AI - Why You & Your Colleagues Should Attend
Artificial Intelligence will impact us all... personally and professionally... you and your colleagues... your school, college or university... your community, society.
With the huge popularity of Generative AI the world is starting to wake up to the massive potential of Artificial Intelligence for good and bad, and with billions being invested in AI today by businesses (large and small), organisations, institutions and governments, the speed of change will far exceed anything we have experienced before.
Ultimately AI is likely to have a bigger impact on each of us personally and professionally... on leadership and management... on admissions... on marketing and communications, PR and crisis communications... and on alumni relations and fundraising too... than the Internet, Social Media, Email & Messaging, CRM Systems, GDPR...
AI will fundamentally change:
> the way people learn, the way schools, colleges and universities teach and what they teach
> how schools, colleges and universities provide pastoral care and support young people's development
> the relationship between schools, colleges and universities and their students, parents, staff and alumni, and the wider community
> how your schools, colleges or universities is perceived by prospective students and parents and whether they choose to apply and enrol
It is vitally important therefore to understand Artificial Intelligence and to begin using it now... to stay credible, distinctive, effective and competitive.
That's why we have decided to focus not just one but both days of the next Know Your Audience Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Just one of many vitally important areas KYA AI will explore is image and video manipulation and 'deepfakes’.
This matters (a lot!) because while schools, colleges and universities have enough challenges currently dealing with real imagery that is inappropriate at least you have a process and procedures to deal with it.
Whereas... dealing appropriately and fairly with ‘deepfake’ images/video generated by AI is going to be much (much) more challenging... not least with the different implications for all those involved...
...for your young people, parents, families and friends... for your staff who may be both the subject of the material and responsible for dealing with it... and for the wider community (including former students, parents and staff) and beyond (police, school inspectors, unions, politicians etc)... not forgetting you and your colleagues responsible for reputation management, PR and Crisis Comms, marketing, communications, admissions...
And given such incidents may not be occasional 'one-offs' but become a frequent (or avalanche) of deepfakes to deal with... with the number of young people (and potentially adults too) in a schools, colleges or university community who may be involved in generating deepfakes etc in due course, not necessarily with particular malicious intent... and given the role social media and messaging might play... it’s frightening to contemplate, not least because you and your colleagues will be at the centre of this coming storm.
Of course there is also a more positive application too, with the generation of AI imagery and video for teaching and learning and also for marketing and promotion... especially if your young people, parents and staff become less inclined to give permission for you to use them in promotional material etc.
We all have a lot to learn... fast!
READY TO BOOK? For delegate ticket information, costs and to book please see our Book Here page.
KYA AI - Previous Delegate Comments (July 2024)
"Breakouts were sooo useful. The speakers were amazing, I really found the presentations from speakers at ACS so informative and helpful. The speaker from Young V&A was so inspirational also."
"Lots of breakouts which was great (as not every breakout is applicable to all attendees) and a good range of keynote speakers covering a wide range of topics."
"It seemed very relevant to my job - I am relatively new and therefore have a lot I can still learn. There was a lot of food for thought in the meetings."
"I am the only Marketing person in our setting and so it's important (and interesting personally) to see what other schools are doing. It's much more efficient to attend a conference like this than spending days of doing my own research. Even then I wouldn't find the quality of information I have received during the conference."
"The schedule was very packed and kept me busy - in a good way. With too much time in between I would probably have gotten sucked in to work and not be as present as I was!"
"I am now mapping a new social media strategy in my head! We are also going through a brand refresh so I found the presentations very useful."
"Relevant content, chance to share experience and connect to other schools."
"Excited to pass on what I have learnt and to discuss lots with my colleagues about the day."
"I’ve definitely taken away ideas to consider going forward and sharing practice with others in similar roles is helpful."
"New insights and experience gained!"
"I took back home a few ideas that are applicable right away like how to improve my organic communication on social media and how to connect better with the neighbourhood that my school is set in."
"Plenty of content, with knowledgeable and approachable speakers."
KYA AI - Who Should Attend?
The KYA AI Conference will be of interest to all staff at your school or college involved in attracting, engaging and converting prospective parents and pupils/students.
KYA AI will also be very relevant and useful to all your colleagues responsible for leadership, strategy and planning, communications, external affairs, public relations, advancement, alumni relations, development and related fields, including:
>> Principals, Headteachers, CEOs
>> Admissions Staff & Registrars
>> Marketing, Communications & External Relations Staff
>> Advancement, Development, Fundraising & Alumni Relations Staff
>> Deputy Heads & Senior Management Team
>> Bursars and Business Managers
>> Heads of Departments
>> Governors & Trustees
READY TO BOOK? For delegate ticket information, costs and to book please see our Book Here page.
"Great tips I can take and implement straight away... brilliant!" KYA Delegate, July 2024
KYA AI - Delegate Information
The KYA AI Conference will take place at the DoubleTree By Hilton Brighton Metropole on the seafront in Brighton UK, from 0930-1700 on Monday 9 June (with optional Drinks & Dinner later) and 0930-1700 on Tuesday 10 June 2025.
Brighton is very easy to reach by road, rail and air.
For location information please see our Delegate Info page.
As always, we are working hard to keep the cost of attendance as low as possible (helped by our sponsors and exhibitors) with heavily discounted 'Early Bird' tickets for a limited period, giving a considerable saving on the cost of standard tickets.
Discounted 'TEAM' tickets are also available for 2 or more delegates attending from the same school or college.
'Early Bird' ticket prices range from £220 to £440 (ex Vat) for 1-day or 2-days.
For delegate ticket information, costs and to book please see our Book Here page.
All delegates are welcome to attend the drinks and dinner on Monday 9 June, whether attending for both days or one day.
This informal social and networking event will take place in the conference hotel.
The cost for attending is included in the 2-day tickets.
Those attending for just one day, on the Monday or Tuesday, are very welcome to book to attend (a limited number of tickets are available separately).
This event is for KYA AI delegates only.
Accommodation is not included - please make your own accommodation arrangements (if required).
All delegates will receive a link for discounted accommodation at the conference hotel (the DoubleTree By Hilton Brighton Metropole) incase it is required, and there are many other accommodation options available in Brighton to suit all budgets, including hotels, B&Bs and self-catering accommodation.
For accommodation information please see our Delegate Info page.
"Great speakers from different fields and a nice variety of different sessions, Keynotes and Breakouts." KYA Delegate, July 2024
Venue Location
Conference Platinum Sponsors:
Conference Exhibitors Include: